The Lunch Club takes place on the third Thursday of each month in Milton Village Hall at 12.30 pm.

The Club is non profit making and is an opportunity for residents of Milton and surrounding villages to get together and enjoy a meal in relaxed company.

To book a place please contact Lynn 01283 704540 or Sue 01283 701978.

If transport is a problem please contact Lynn or Sue who will try and help.

2025 Meetings

January 2025

January’s meeting was very different from December with the weather being cold but sunny and everyone enjoying the home-made cottage pie followed by rice pudding complete with skin on by request. The members then enjoyed a few games of bingo with prizes.

December 2024

Despite the cold wet weather the Hall was filled with Christmas greetings being exchanged, music and laughter as our members arrived for a traditional Christmas feast starting with sherry or orange juice, followed by a turkey meal with all the trimmings and Christmas pudding.   While everyone was enjoying mince pies, and a hot drink the Lunch Team were preparing for the usual entertainment which this year was a version of the nativity that resulted in much laughter and heckling as a modern-day Jo and Mary sorted out their relationship at the local Inn and received visits from singing shepherds, kings and an angel.   Jo finally got arrested by PC Bob for being drunk and disorderly but we must emphasise that no baby was harmed in this production.   Secret Santa presents were exchanged and the menu for 2025 distributed.

Please click here to see a video of the fun

November 2024

The snow is still with us and it is very chilly so a lunch of heartwarming Shepherds’ Pie followed by a delicious chocolate pudding was most welcome.  After lunch we were entertained by a marvelous social singing group from Swadlincote known as Sing4Health.   They sang a wonderful selection of Christmas songs which really prepared us for the forthcoming festive season.  We were also invited to join in which we did and it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

October 2024

It was such a lovely sunny day, very welcome after the relentless rainy days we had been having and just right for the Sausage and Mash lunch followed by Apple Pie and custard.   No surprises there as there has been bumper crops of apples in Milton this year.   We welcomed four new members this month and they have signed up to join us again next month

We had two guests this month, Officer Bob who gave us an update on what has been happening on his patch and Revd Steve Short and his wife Rachel.   Revd Steve is Parish Priest for the Benefice of Repton, Foremark cum Ingleby, Milton, Newton Solney and Willington, and he gave us an interesting glimpse into his various experiences over the years, including an incident when he told Jimmy Saville to “get lost”.   As an audience we had to guess whether this was true or a lie.   Needless to say all the seemingly outrageous stories he related were actually true.   We all enjoyed Steve’s stories.

September 2024

The day started quite chilly but very soon the sun came out and welcomed our members to a delicious meal of chicken pie and veg followed by jam Sponge and custard.   

This month’s entertainment was a surprise visit by PC Bob, our Community Policeman who gave a very entertaining and informative talk about his work.   Amongst other things he told us that although motor scooters are fun they have many restrictions and are not allowed on roads, pavements or pedestrian only areas, so maybe our members will not be getting one soon.  He also related his experience with the Naked Ramblers in Ticknall and we learned that they were not actually breaking the law, just causing a lot of comment.  PC Bob emphasised the responsibility of everyone to look out for our neighbours and other vulnerable people that we come into contact with, which is very much a sentiment of our lunch club.

August 2024

This month’s menu was Ham Salad with new potatoes followed by Gateaux, just the thing for the weather we have been experiencing.   Everyone was in a holiday mood and a game of bingo was ideal for the entertainment. 

July 2024

After the past unseasonal weather the day turned out to be sunny and hot which made the forthcoming meal of salmon, new potatoes and veg followed by ice cream and fruit very appropriate.

Most of our members used the gift of a free meal donated by the late Maureen Frost which made the day even better.   This month’s entertainment was a free game of bingo which is always a favourite and something everyone enjoyed, even those who didn’t win.


June 2024

The weather was more seasonal than it had been for a while and some of our members entered into the spirit of the Royal Ascot theme by wearing some very attractive hats and fascinators.

The Ascot picnic proved very popular, the chocolate strawberries in particular were a favourite along with the wine and dainty cakes. Vouchers for a free lunch were paid for and given out by the family of the late Maureen Frost who was a very popular and well loved member of the Lunch Club.   

It was soon very obvious that Elvis was in the building as a local tribute band appeared, accompanied by dancers and musicians who proceeded to give us a full Elvis album to entertain and sing along to, bringing back many mixed memories of the sixties. Next month’s menu will be salmon, new potatoes and salad followed by ice cream and fruit.   All this for just £5.


20th April 2017 – Easter Roast Dinner

On Wednesday 20th April a roast lunch and pudding was served to 41 members of the Milton lunch club. Eighteen paraded their Easter bonnets and belated Easter prizes were awarded.

lunch club easter bonnet
December 17th 2015 – Christmas Lunch and Pantomime

Now on You Tube

Letter of thanks for all the hard work put in by everyone involved in the organisation of the Lunch Club, not just for the Christmas Special but throughout the year.

The Milton Community Luncheon Club Christmas Lunch and Pantomime

Of four Christmas Lunches this year I enjoyed most that held in the Village Hall at Milton on17th December, organised entirely by the ladies who run the monthly Lunch Club. Starting with a glass of wine a very well presented meal of Roast Turkey with all the trimmings was followed by a Christmas Pudding so good I had a second helping. To complete our meal we were served home-made mince pies with tea or coffee.
This was an occasion well attended by local friends with whom to chat and play party games. The ladies prepared and cooked the meal, laid the tables, served the food, cleared the tables and tidied-up before disappearing to re-appear in their Pantomime costumes.
The stage was set for the Concluding Masterpiece “Cinderella in Ten Minutes” as written by one of the ladies.
Two big burly men, one in a long in Ball Gown, both with professionally made-up faces and beautiful long hair, ( until their wigs fell off,) played the two Ugly Sisters with great enthusiasm
Who was the Star of the Show?- I am not sure. It could have been the coy little lady who played Cinderella or it could have been the Ugly Sisters or one of the other ladies who made the whole thing possible.
On arrival we each received a Cracker, on departure we each received a small present from Father Christmas himself. What a nice touch on which to end our last lunch of the year.
To all of you , thank you for a wonderful Christmas Party and for all your hard work. Thank you for the monthly meetings, for the meals, for the games we play. We really do appreciate what you do for us.
Finally may I mention the lady who deals with the bookings and the cash (£5 per person per month) Lynn Hyatt Telephone 01283 – 704540 – give her a ring if you would like to join us.
The lunch Club meets in Milton Village Hall on the third Thursday of each month.

Yours faithfully, Philip Scrivens.







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