Residents of the hamlet of Milton gathered at 5.00 pm on Sunday 12th November for a candlelit, twilight Act of Remembrance outside the village hall where the War Memorial is situated. Guy Levesley led, reading the names of the nine men from Foremarke, Ingleby and Milton who fell in the Great War and Oliver Ewart-White kindly played the Last Post and after the two minute silence had been observed, the Reveille. Local resident Colonel Mike Sykes laid a wreath on behalf of all those living in the hamlets today, and Mr Gary Steel laid one on behalf of the Parish Council.
A further wreath was laid by Aala Middleditch on behalf of the young people of the area. The hamlet is grateful to all those who who installed the poppy net and affixed poppies along Main Street and in the surrounding area.
Residents of the hamlet of Milton gathered at 5.00 pm on Sunday, 13th November for a candlelit, twilight Act of Remembrance outside the village hall where the War Memorial is situated.
Guy Levesley led, reading the names of the nine men from Foremarke, Ingleby and Milton who fell in the Great War and Sam Auterson kindly played the Last Post and after the two-minute silence had been observed, the Reveille.
Local residents Colonel Mike Sykes and Alexander Cheeseman laid wreaths on behalf of all those living in the hamlets today, and Mr Richard Fluck laid one on behalf of the Parish Council.
The hamlet is grateful to all those who produced the poppy net and affixed poppies along Main Street and in the surrounding area.
Residents of the hamlet of Milton gathered on Sunday, November 14th at 4.30 pm for a candlelit, twilight Act of Remembrance outside the village hall where the War Memorial is situated.
Guy Levesley led, reading the names of the nine who fell from Milton, Foremarke and Ingleby in the Great War, and acknowledging how fortunate we are to live in this tiny, unique welcoming and very caring community now how we are indebted to those who lived here before us.
Sam Auterson kindly played The Last Post and after the two minute silence had been observed, played the Reveille.
Local residents, Colonel Mike Sykes and Hettie Gormley, placed wreaths on behalf of all those living in Milton today.
The hamlet of Milton is grateful to those residents who organised or took part in workshops to produce
the poppy net made from recycled bottles, and affix poppies along Main Street and surrounding area.
Milton First World War Memorial – 2018
Service of Blessing
Milton’s memorial to the fallen in World War I was first installed in the entrance to the Village Hall (previously the Mission Room) in 1920. Over the years it disintegrated and only the top scroll survived. The Village Hall Committee rescued the scroll and used it to create a new memorial which is now situated on an outside wall of Milton Village Hall, with a new custom made stone surround. It was fitting that in the centenary year of the ending of the Great War, this new memorial received a blessing re-dedication to the soldiers mentioned on the memorial.
On Sunday December 2nd around 40 villager, friends, and relatives of the fallen, gathered in Milton Village Hall and enjoyed coffee and mince pies before the Blessing at 2pm. People stood in the area in front of the Memorial and along the pavement outside the Village Hall, to hear the names being read out and readings and Prayers spoken by members of the Village. The Blessing was then conducted by Rev Andrew Baguley, following which children laid tributes of flowers on the Memorial.