Repton Neighbourhood Plan. (RNDP); The referendum has been completed, and very grateful thanks must be extended to Frank McArdle and his team who managed to keep the Polling Stations open despite the dreadful weather that day. The results were very positive:
Yes – 565
No – 21
No spoilt papers
96.4% in favour
27.7% turnout This was very good considering the difficulty in getting to the polling stations.
We are the first Neighbourhood Development Plan in South Derbyshire to be recognised.
The Neighbourhood Plan will now become a formal planning document and has to be considered in connection to planning matters. It is available as a link from the Parish Council and village websites. Please use this when thinking about development issues, and especially in relation to planning applications. Thank you Ewan Thompson who has worked so hard and guided everyone through quite complex procedures
Update November 2019
At last the final stage!
A referendum is to be held on November 14th, please do take the time to vote. You do not need to take your voting card to the Polling Station.
The question that will be asked is;
Do you want South Derbyshire District council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Repton to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?
Update January 2019
Repton Neighbourhood Development Plan
Repton Parish Council has submitted the Repton Neighbourhood Plan to us.
They have undertaken their Regulation 14 consultation.
Regulation 16 Consultation
Under Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Repton Parish Council has submitted its draft Neighbourhood Development Plan (Neighbourhood Plan) to South Derbyshire District Council.
In accordance with Regulation 16, the Council would like to invite comments from organisations and individuals on the submitted Neighbourhood Plan.
This ‘publicity’ consultation period lasts just over six weeks and runs from Friday, January 18 to Monday, March 4, 2019 at 5pm.
Repton Parish Council undertook consultation on an earlier draft of their Plan. Comments made to the Parish Council from this consultation helped inform changes to the document now submitted to South Derbyshire District Council.
The Neighbourhood Plan, written by a steering group consisting of members from the community and from Repton Parish Council, proposes a number of policies on housing and open space amongst others.
It is the responsibility of the District Council to collate all of the representations made through this Regulation 16 consultation and pass them on to an independent examiner.
The examiner will look at the representations, together with the Plan documents when assessing whether the Plan meets the basic conditions and is duly made and appropriate, in order for it to proceed to referendum.
Hard copies of the Plan are available to view at:
South Derbyshire District Council,
Civic Offices,
Civic Way,
DE11 0AH
You can use our comments submission form (docx, 75kb) and send to us either by:
Post to: Neighbourhood Planning, Planning Policy, South Derbyshire District Council, Civic Offices, Civic Way, Swadlincote DE11 0AH
Update Spring 2018
The Plan has been examined and recommended for a formal vote or referendum, after SDDC has checked that the amendments made by the examiner are factually correct and give their approval.
The Plan is now designated as an ‘Emerging Plan’ which means that it has to be a material consideration when any issues detailed within it are considered for development.
Update February 2017
The Neighbourhood Development Plan has now reached the last stage of public consultation. The plan is required to undergo a period of at least 6 weeks where members of the public and interested parties are invited to comment on the version known as the Pre-Submission Draft. Following this, the responses will be collated and reviewed. If the comments and arguments are compelling, the plan will be revised prior to submission, first to South Derbyshire District Council (the local planning authority), then to an independent examiner. If the examiner judges the plan to be ‘sound’, it will then proceed to a public referendum. Click on the link below to see the Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Development Plan.
To find out more visit Neighbourhood Plan.
Taken from the Neighbourhood Plan Website;
The Neighbourhood Plan and Developments in Repton and Milton – Background
Developments in Repton and Milton should be controlled by the South Derbyshire District Council (SDDC) Local plan but at the present it is only in draft and it has not yet been formally adopted (adoption expected in early 2016 with minor amendments from current version). The draft Local Plan contains provision for 100 houses in the Longlands area of Repton.
Currently two developments in this area have been approved. Trent and Dove Housing Association have built 33 houses with 24 being “social” off Milton Road and Miller Homes have approval for 40 homes off Longlands.
Hallam Land Management applied for 75 homes off Mount pleasant Road linking with the Miller Homes development off Longlands and although part of the site is outside the draft Local Plan area for housing development this was approved, on the Planning Committee Chairman’s casting vote. The developer arguing that as the local plan had not been formally adopted and as SDDC has not identified sufficient development land there was a presumption for development.
A further proposal by the Church Commissioners for another 52 houses adjacent to Springfield House on Milton Road, again outside the draft Local Plan area, has now been withdrawn. Without this proposal, 148 new houses will be constructed in Repton Village when only 100 are required by the draft Local Plan.
A Neighbourhood Plan, when approved by a local referendum and an independent inspector, has the same legal standing as the adopted Local Plan it supports and any developments are constrained by both documents. The Village Design Statement produced in 2005 did not have this standing and is only advisory for both the developers and SDDC planners.
The Repton Neighbourhood Plan will add specific policies for Repton, (not just housing and design but also aspects like open spaces, transport, education, leisure and the community, the local economy and the environment) to the more general SDDC L